Partnering Programs & Resources

Zero Fatalities
Zero Fatalities is all about eliminating fatalities on our roadways. Some people may think zero is an impossible goal, but when it comes to your life, or the lives of your friends and family, what other number would be acceptable?

Don’t Drive Stupid
The Don’t Drive Stupid program strives to put an end to traffic-related teen deaths by educating young drivers about the importance of being safe behind the wheel. We invite you to join the cause and start saving lives.

Alive at 25
Alive at 25 is a young driver intervention program developed by the National Safety Council for drivers between 15 and 24 years of age.

The Utah Highway Patrol is a leader in educating motorists about traffic safety topics through its Public Information and Education (PI&E) team.

UHP Seat Belt Convincer
To help increase seat belt usage, the PI&E team has two seat belt “convincers” which simulate a 5 mile per hour crash. The impact is small enough that it won’t cause injury, but significant enough to demonstrate how a seat belt holds you safely in place during an impact.

Intermountain PCH
At Primary Children’s Hospital, part of our “The Child First and Always” mission is doing what we can to help keep children and families well, safe, and out of the hospital.

Safe Kids Utah
Safe Kids Utah was organized in 1995 to address the issue of childhood injuries and to look for better ways to keep kids safe. Safe Kids Utah is a 501(c)3 organization and is housed within the Utah Department of Health.

An effective employee traffic safety program can help control costs and save lives. The Utah Safety Council, through the Utah Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) works to reduce traffic crashes, the primary cause of lost work time and employee fatalities.